CCSA current food needs...
...include peanut butter, beans (any kind), mac 'n' cheese, cereal / oatmeal, canned fruit. Please bring these and any other donations to church any Sunday!
Feed the Blue Pig!
The Sunday School kids are collecting funds to help Lutheran World Relief build a well either in Africa or Latin America. "Water Is Life!" Look for the pig and donate; your pennies (nickels, quarters, dimes) add up quickly!
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Fair Trade Coffee
Coffee for after-church fellowship is available in the kitchen cabinet (the shelf is labeled) for the cost of $8.00. Please put the money – along with a memo noting that it’s for coffee – In the collection plate, or give it to Chris Wilbur, Karen Whistler, Sandra Archer, or Karen Denneson on Sunday mornings. If you need coffee for your own use at home, you can ask the same people. Thank You!
To everyone who participated in recent Pampered Chef, Souplantation, Rubios, fundraisers for Storefront, for All Saints Youth Activities, for CCSA—including the recent Hunger Walk. Thanks to all participants from All Saints and other churches for making the Chili Cook-Off benefit for Campus Ministry another success, as well!